Management of the Evaluation and Deposit of Doctoral Theses | Supervisors and tutors



The application Management of the Evaluation and Deposit of Doctoral Theses | Supervisors and tutor

The application Management of the Evaluation and Deposit of Doctoral Theses allows the supervisor, supervisor 2 and the tutor to collaborate in the different processes for evaluating and approving the doctoral theses submitted by doctoral candidates.

Access to the application

The application can be found on the online information and services platform IGLU > Teaching-related issues > Doctoral studies > Management of requests for doctoral thesis review.

It can be accessed directly via the following link: Universitat Jaume I

Who can use the application Management of the Evaluation and Deposit of Doctoral Theses?

This application is useful for anyone involved in the process of managing, reviewing and evaluating a doctoral thesis.

The supervisor and the tutor can review and evaluate the deposit of the doctoral candidate's thesis before the external evaluators (subsequent members of the thesis examination committee), the Doctoral Programme Academic Committee and the Doctoral School.

Home screen of the application Management of the Evaluation and Deposit of Doctoral Theses

En la primera pantalla de la aplicación se muestran las diferentes fases por las que pasa la tesis:

Home screen for managing doctoral theses

The thesis supervisors access this screen when the Doctoral School has validated the similarity report on the doctoral thesis. You will receive an e-mail with the direct link to access the Doctoral Thesis Management screen, with details of all the thesis data that need to be reviewed

More information on the handling of the home screen can be found in the document Elements common to all applications.

All the actions and tasks that can be carried out with the application are explained in detail below. 

How do you validate a request?

In the phase Supervisor's validation of the request you will find all the details about the thesis. As the supervisor, you must check them.

Page for the validation of the request by the thesis supervisor
  • Summary of training activities: you must check that the hours required by the study programme and the hours completed are both correct.

  • Final Research Plan: it is essential that you validate the document in order to start the thesis evaluation process. To validate it, click on Final Research Plan.

  • Types of documents: you must validate the thesis proposed and review the similarity report issued by the Library and the provisional and final versions of the Doctoral Student Activity Portfolio. 

Joint supervision of doctoral thesis:

  • Once the supervisor validates the Research Plan and the Doctoral Student Activity Portfolio, they still have to be validated by supervisor 2. Once the thesis has been validated by the two supervisors, the processing of the thesis continues.

  • If the supervisor fails to validate the Research Plan and the Doctoral Student Activity Portfolio, after they have been validated by supervisor 2, the documents will still have to be validated by the supervisor.

How are the thesis evaluators proposed?

Once the Research Plan has been validated you must propose seven thesis evaluators. Click on Add an evaluator.

Once the Research Plan has been validated you must propose seven thesis evaluators. Click on Add an evaluator.

Please provide the data requested. The fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory.

  • Name and first surname.

  • Nationality.

  • Institutional email address: it is important that you give your institutional rather than your personal address. Make sure you have written it correctly and that you check your email on a regular basis.

  • University/Research centre and country.

  • URL of the university or research centre website containing the evaluator's affiliation or CV: this information will be used by the Doctoral Programme Academic Committee to their CV.

  • Evaluator for the requirement of the International Doctorate distinction: mark Yes if you are eligible for the International Doctorate distinction. Since you have undertaken a stay at a foreign university, the evaluator cannot be the tutor you had while you were there.

You may propose three or four international evaluators, but under no circumstances may the tutor of the stay abroad be chosen for the requirement of the international doctorate distinction.

  • Language of communication.

  • Position: choose a position for each of the evaluators you propose: chair, secretary, ordinary member 1, ordinary member 2, ordinary member 3, substitute 1 and substitute 2.

  • List five publications in the last six years related to the subject matter of the thesis: Please note that it is necessary to indicate exactly five publications, from the last six years, related to the subject of your thesis. If this requirement is not met, the Doctoral School will not accept the request. A publication is understood to refer to a book, a book chapter or an article.

To complete the action, check the box I confirm that this person has no conflict of interest due to sharing scientific publications with the doctoral candidate at any time during the doctoral studies.

Click on Save.

Once added, they will appear in the section Proposed evaluators, as can be seen in the screenshot below.

To finish the validation of the request you must indicate the time window for issuing the thesis report from the moment the Doctoral School contacts the thesis examination committee (a minimum of 15 days and a maximum of 30).

You must also indicate whether any of the evaluators supervised the stay undertaken for the international distinction.

Click on the button Validate and finish.

If supervisor 2, the tutor (if different from the supervisor) or the Doctoral School reject the proposal, you will receive a message explaining why it has not been validated.

If all the procedure is correct, the intervention of the supervisor in this evaluator proposal phase is completed.

How does supervisor 2 validate the request?

When the supervisor validates the application, supervisor 2 will receive an email with a link enabling them to validate the proposal, as shown in the screenshot below.

Supervisor 2 shall review the proposal previously validated by the supervisor, that is, the final Research Plan, the documents and the proposed list of evaluators.

If supervisor 2 agrees with the proposed evaluators, they must click on Validate and finish.

Processing continues and the proposal goes on to the tutor (if different from the supervisor) for review.

If supervisor 2 does not agree with the proposal or there is any incorrect information, they must click on Unfavourable report – Return to the thesis supervisor, so that the supervisor can check the documentation again.

If supervisor 2 issues an unfavourable report on the proposal, a tab will be displayed to indicate the reasons why they have decided not to validate the supervisor's proposal.

The supervisor will receive a message asking them to review the proposal again.

How does the tutor validate the request?

Once the thesis request has been validated by the supervisor or, if applicable, by supervisor 2, the tutor receives a message with the link to validate the proposal, as can be seen in the image below.

The tutor must validate the Doctoral Student Activity Portfolio and check that the documents submitted in the section Type of document are correct.

When the Activity Portfolio has been validated, the list of evaluators proposed by the supervisors is still visible. If you agree with it, click on Validate and finish.

If you disagree with it, click on Unfavourable report – Return the request to the thesis supervisor.

If the tutor issues an unfavourable report on the proposal, a tab will be displayed to indicate the reasons why they have decided not to validate the supervisor's proposal.

The supervisor will receive a message asking them to review the proposal again.

How is the thesis deposit validated?

Validation by the supervisor

When the doctoral student begins the thesis deposit process, the application sends the supervisor a message with the link to the documents so that they can validate the thesis.

The link opens the screen Deposit validation by the supervisor:

Click on the link indicated to access the information about the thesis.

If the documentation is correct, to validate it, click on Validate and finish.

If you consider that the data are incorrect, you must issue an unfavourable report. Click on Unfavourable – Reject and notify the doctoral candidate so that the documentation is reviewed and the doctoral thesis deposit process is started again.

To obtain further information, please refer to the point How to begin the thesis deposit process? in the manual Procedure for evaluating and depositing the doctoral thesis for doctoral candidates.

Validation by supervisor 2

When the supervisor has validated the thesis deposit, supervisor 2 will receive a message with the link to the documentation so that they can validate the documentation.

Check the data previously validated by the supervisor. Click on the link indicated.

If you consider that the information provided and reviewed is correct, click on Validate and finish. The next step will be the review by the Doctoral School.

If you consider that the data are incorrect, you must issue an unfavourable report and indicate the reasons for your decision to reject the supervisor's proposal. Tick the corresponding option in the drop-down menu. Click on Unfavourable report. Return to the thesis supervisor. The supervisor must review the documentation again (see previous section).

How do you set the date of the thesis defence?

When the Doctoral School validates the deposit of the thesis, the ten-day period during which the thesis is made available on the UJI Noticeboard begins.

The supervisor must take this period into account, since the defence date must always be later than the public exhibition.

Once this period has ended, the Appointment of the members of the thesis examination committee must be carried out.

To make the list of proposed members of the examination committee, see the section How are the thesis evaluators proposed?

Period during which the thesis is exhibited to the public.

One week before the date of the defence, the examination committee will receive all the documentation needed for the day of the session. The thesis supervisor does not need to submit any documentation to the examination committee.

Dealing with queries

If you have any doubts or queries regarding the operation or steps of the application, please contact the Doctoral School at

Solving issues

If you have any problem with the functioning of the application, please contact the Service Desk (CAU) of the Universitat Jaume I Computer Service.


Telephone: (+34 964 38) 7400 within office hours (from Monday to Thursday from 8.30 am to 7 pm and Fridays from 9.30 am to 5 pm).

Email address:

To report an incident: CAU


  • Appointment of the members of the thesis examination committee: the names and positions (chair, secretary and ordinary member) of the members of the committee who are to judge the thesis are published. This phase is simultaneous with the public exhibition. You can consult the rate of acceptances from this stage on.

  • Committee records: information about the final date of the defence, whether it is face-to-face, online synchronous or blended, and the final make-up of the committee.

  • Deposit completed. Beginning of the period of public exhibition of the doctoral thesis: it is made available to the public for ten days on the Noticeboard TAO-UJI. The request for the deposit of the thesis must have been accepted by the thesis supervisor and the Doctoral School.

  • Thesis deposit request: the deposit request has been carried out correctly.

  • Thesis completed: the thesis has been defended and evaluated.

  • Validation of the deposit by the supervisor: the supervisor accepts the thesis deposit.

  • Validation of the deposit by the Doctoral School: the Doctoral School validates the doctoral thesis deposit.

  • Validation of the date of the defence: the chair of the committee sets the date of the thesis defence. The secretary communicates this date to the other members and the Doctoral School by email. The corresponding management unit is also informed.

    In addition to knowing the meaning of these concepts, you may also find the Glossary of key terms helpful. estos conceptos, también le puede ayudar el Glosario de términos clave.