Doctoral thesis review and deposit procedure | Doctoral candidates




What is the doctoral thesis review and deposit procedure?

The purpose of the request "Procedure for reviewing and depositing doctoral theses" is to help doctoral candidates to present their proposal in order to deposit the final doctoral thesis, once the different review and approval processes have been successfully completed, such as receiving favourable reports from the external evaluators.

Access to the application

The application can be found on the online information and services platform "IGLU > Access to all sections > Academic affairs > Doctoral studies > Request for the review of the final thesis by external evaluators > Doctoral thesis review and deposit procedure".

Who can use this application?

This application is designed to be used by anyone involved in the process of managing, reviewing and evaluating a doctoral thesis.

As a doctoral candidate you can deposit your doctoral thesis in order to begin the process of reviewing and validating the request by the tutor, the supervisor, the external evaluators (subsequently, members of the thesis examination committee), of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme , and of the Doctoral School.

Homepage of the application

When you access the application, the first screen that appears is the following:

Página d'inici gestió de tesis doctorals
Doctoral thesis management homepage

Select the doctoral programme to request the review of the thesis and the final assessment of the Doctoral Student Activity Portfolio / Research Plan.

Further information on how to use the homepage can be found in the document Elements common to all applications (in Spanish/Catalan only).

Procedures you can carry out with the application.

Closure of your doctoral student record and start of the doctoral thesis review and deposit procedure

After selecting the doctoral programme, all the information relating to the doctoral candidate's academic record will be displayed: the name of the tutor, in Tutor; the name of the supervisor who has been assigned, in Supervisor 1 and, if appropriate, Supervisor 2, and the line of research.

Remember that in order to carry out the process for requesting a thesis review you must attach the final versions of the Activity Portfolio and the Research Plan.

Click on the button Open the final Research Plan and Activity Portfolio (mandatory) at the bottom of the page. By so doing, the doctoral candidate confirms that the Research Plan and the Activity Portfolio are correct.

Page with information about the doctoral student record

Click on Accept to confirm.

Once you have completed the procedure, when you refresh the page you will see that the Start procedure section appears in green, thus confirming that the Research Plan and the Activity Portfolio have been closed correctly.

Start the procedure for requesting the review of the doctoral thesis


We remind you that the request is not saved or registered until all the required information is included in the application. Hence, you must provide all the information about the doctoral thesis in a single session.

In the section Information about the thesis you have to fill in the data requested:

  • Final title of the thesis.

  • Summary of the thesis to be used for scholarly communication purposes (maximum 150 words).

  • Required documentation: upload all the files related to the thesis to the platform. You have to complete the mandatory requirements indicated and marked in red before you can go on to the next section.

In the section Characteristics of the thesis and doctoral degree distinctions you have to tick the "Yes" box corresponding to the type of thesis. You can tick more than one type.

Depending on the typology selected, a series of fields will be highlighted in the following sections to indicate the documents that must be submitted in order to continue the process.

Once you have completed the process outlined above, tick the "Ethics statement" box to confirm that the doctoral thesis complies with the relevant principles concerning ethics and responsibility.

Finally, click on the button "Start the doctoral thesis review procedure".

 In that moment, the thesis changes from the preliminary phase to the review phase.

In this phase, anti-plagiarism software will be used to detect the percentage of similarity to other previous work (articles, publications, books, etc.).

Only if the percentage for a main source exceeds 10% will you receive a notification from the Doctoral School inviting you to justify this percentage.

You will only need to submit an explanation justifying the similarity of your work detected by the anti-plagiarism program if the system sends you a notification asking you to do so.

The platform will send you an email confirming the fact that the request for the final review by the external evaluators is being processed.

In the same message you will receive a link allowing you to check the status of the procedure at any time.

The doctoral candidate does not have to take any steps in the procedure until the first report from the external evaluators is received.

The doctoral candidate only has to respond, if necessary, if he/she receives notification from any of the parties involved in the review procedure.

Management of the request for review of the doctoral thesis

You can check the status of your thesis on the Doctoral thesis management screen via the link provided above.

All the information and documents you have submitted are also in the section Start the procedure for requesting the review of the doctoral thesis

 If necessary, during the thesis review process you will only be sent notifications regarding the processes that doctoral candidates must be notified about, either because you are required to do something or because a relevant development has occurred (an evaluator has submitted his or her report, for example).

The steps shown in green in the index at the top of the screen are those the doctoral thesis has already passed; its current status is shown in blue and those in grey are the procedures that remain before the doctoral candidate receives the review reports necessary to be able to deposit the thesis (last step).

For each phase completed, the corresponding date is indicated.

When the thesis reaches the section Review under way, and once the deadline proposed by the supervisor to the evaluators has been reached, you will start to receive the first reports. You can also consult the outcome of the report (favourable, favourable pending amendments or unfavourable).

The same screen, below, in the section entitled Proposed evaluators, will show the progress of the reviews.

If the review has not been submitted, this will be indicated by Review pending.

The image below shows the indication that the evaluator has finished the review report.

By clicking on View, you can revise the review document and check whether it is favourable or not.

The platform will send you a message every time a review is issued.

The doctoral candidate must follow the indications, if any, of the evaluators and incorporate any changes or proposals they suggest in order to improve the thesis.

When you receive at least four favourable reports, you will be sent a notification indicating that, after incorporating the appropriate changes, if appropriate, you can then deposit the doctoral thesis, and the link via which you have to carry out this action.

You have a period of one month to deposit the thesis, provided that your academic record does not state otherwise. The fifth report can be received at a later date. This does not prevent you from depositing the thesis with only four favourable reports.

Start of the thesis deposit procedure

Request for the deposit of the doctoral thesis

Once you have completed the procedure for requesting the review of your doctoral thesis via "IGLU > Access to all sections > Academic affairs > Doctoral studies > Doctoral thesis deposit".

This screen shows all the information about the doctoral thesis: doctoral candidate's name, doctoral programme, tutor's name, supervisor's name and the lines of research.

We remind you that the request will not be saved and registered until all the required information has been included in the procedure. Hence, you must provide all the information about the doctoral thesis in a single session.

In the Thesis Deposit section, you can attach the final version of the thesis (in a single file) after having reviewed and updated it in accordance with the external evaluators' reports and click on the button "Attach the thesis document (PDF files only)".

Bear in mind that the thesis document in PDF format must meet the requirements established by the Doctoral School and you must therefore use the templates with the format of the cover and the first and second pages that are provided, as they are essential to be able to validate the deposit.

Select the language in which most of the content of the thesis is written (Valencian, Spanish or English) and fill in the following fields:

·         Final title of the thesis

·         Summary of the thesis for academic purposes (TDX and TESEO)

·         Key words

This information will appear in the institutional repositories where the thesis is uploaded and will allow it to be filtered by these terms.

In order to proceed with the deposit of the final version of the thesis you have to tick all the boxes in the section Statement by the author of the thesis for its incorporation into the TDX and UJI repositories. In this way you give your consent as the author for the dissemination of the text.

In the section Creative Commons Licences for the publication of doctoral theses you have to choose the type of licence depending on the viewing restrictions you would like your thesis to be subject to.

Licences are ordered from the least restrictive licence, CC Attribution-ShareAlike (BY-SA), to the most restrictive (All rights reserved).

You must agree on the type of licence with your thesis supervisor in order to choose the most suitable one according to the future publishing requirements.

If you have any doubts in this regard, please contact the Library at

The most recommended licence for a doctoral thesis is the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA).

Optionally, you can select "I request a 12-month embargo for my thesis", to delay publication in private journals, if appropriate, or because it is a confidential thesis. In this way you agree that the thesis will not be visible in any repository for twelve months. The abstract and the key words are not embargoed.

Click on "Confirm the thesis deposit" to finish the procedure.

If the thesis has been successfully deposited, you will see a message highlighted in green like the one in the image, confirming that the thesis has been submitted. From this point on, you cannot take any further action.

To check the status of the application, click on the link included in the thesis deposit notification.

Managing the deposit of the doctoral thesis

On the Doctoral Thesis Management screen, you can consult the status of the thesis and the summary with all the information and documents that have been submitted in the previous section Request the deposit of the doctoral thesis. To access, follow the link included in the message referred to in the previous point.

You will only receive notifications by email if the Doctoral School has to inform you of the stage of the process or if you have to do something.

The index at the top of the screen shows in green the procedures that the doctoral thesis has already passed; its current status is shown in blue, and those in grey are the procedures that remain to be done before the doctoral candidate can finish the procedure.

For each phase completed, the corresponding date is indicated.

When the Doctoral School validates the deposit of the doctoral thesis, the procedure moves on to the next phase "Period of public exhibition of the doctoral thesis" on the Official Notice Board of the Universitat Jaume I (TAO-UJI) , which lasts for ten calendar days.

Automatically, and at the same time as the public exhibition period, where appropriate, the members of the thesis examination committee are appointed.

On depositing the thesis, you will have to pay an examination fee of 143 euros before the day of the defence. You will receive the information by email.

In the section Appointment of the members of the thesis examination committee you can consult the names of the people who will sit on the committee that will judge your doctoral thesis. Next to each name there is an indication showing whether the appointment is pending acceptance or has already been confirmed, which implies participation on the day of the defence.

When all the proposed members have accepted to be part of the examination committee and the Doctoral School has validated this process, they will appear in the column Confirmed member (in green). These are the people who will definitely be part of your examination committee.

In the phase Validation of the defence date you can consult the date that the chair of the examination committee has set for the defence of the doctoral thesis.

In the example on the screen below, the chair has not yet set a date for the defence.

The secretary of the examination committee has to enter the date, time and mode of the defence in order to make the arrangement final. The Doctoral School will validate these details, depending on the availability to organise the event. You will receive further information by email.


When the secretary of the committee has communicated the date, time and mode of the defence and they have been validated by the Doctoral School, the thesis goes on to the Committee records phase.

In this section you can consult the final date of defence and whether the defence will be in person, online synchronous or blended.

After having defended the thesis on the appointed date, having consulted the cum laude votes cast and having been informed by the Doctoral School of the final grade obtained in the doctoral thesis defence, the procedure moves on to the last phase: Thesis completed.

You will receive an email notification informing you of the full grade obtained, that your doctoral academic record has been closed and that you can request your degree certificate via the following link: Issuance of the degree certificate.


Dealing with queries

If you have any doubts or queries regarding the operation or steps of the application, please contact the Doctoral School of the Universitat Jaume I.

Please send your enquiries to

Solving issues

If you have any problem with the functioning of the application, please contact the Service Desk (CAU) of the Universitat Jaume I Computer Service.


Telephone: (+34 964 38) 7400 within normal office hours (from Monday to Thursday from 8.30 to 19.00 and Fridays from 9.30 to 17.00).

Email address:

Reporting an incident: CAU


Phases of the procedure for depositing and reviewing a doctoral thesis:

  • Thesis deposit request: the deposit request has been carried out correctly.

  • Validation of the deposit by the supervisor: the supervisor accepts the thesis deposit.

  • Validation of the deposit by the Doctoral School: the Doctoral School validates the doctoral thesis deposit.

  • Deposit completed. Beginning of the period of public exhibition of the doctoral thesis: period of ten calendar days during which the thesis is made available to the public in the TAO-UJI. The request for the deposit of the thesis must have been accepted by the thesis supervisor and the Doctoral School.

  • Appointment of the members of the thesis examination committee: the names and positions (chair, secretary and ordinary member) of the members of the committee who are to judge the thesis are published. This phase is simultaneous with the public exhibition.

  • Validation of the date of the defence: the chair of the committee sets the date of the thesis defence.

  • Committee exam record: information about the final date of the defence, whether it is in person, online synchronous or blended, and the final make-up of the committee.

  • Thesis completed: the thesis has been defended and reviewed.


In addition to knowing the meaning of the these concepts, you may also find the Glossary of key terms helpful.